About me in a Nutshell.
If you want to find out a few things about me and about the country of Norway...read on...

At a very young age, "adventurous me" left Norway and traveled all the way to the U.S.A.
I always have been adventurous, some times to my parents' dismay. About 8 years old I decided to use mom's navy blue, silk umbrella as an airplane for my flying excursion by jumping off the roof of my dad's woodshed. OUCH! That was painful.
Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, but it has not always been successful. Read about me making my OPS potato dumplings.
I got married and thought it would last forever and we were blessed with two beautiful children.

My Precious children
But after a few years, I ended up raising our children alone since my husband found "Greener Pastures" and took off.
I tried to figure out how to make money so I could provide for my children and pay the bills. Obviously, it was extremely important to feed my children - starving was not an acceptable option.
More about me and some creative ideas on ways to make $$ money...
So...I kept on praying and believing in God that he would help us and we kept going to church. Believing in God and hard work paid off - who says God doesn't answer prayers??? Many opportunities came my way and I was up and running.
Coming up with solutions about finances...
I started my own business and kept working hard day and night - and saved money...
After a while, I had enough saved to buy "THIS OLD HOUSE" - the ugliest one the block. Needless to say, the house was in great need of repairs, cleaning, painting, and just about everything else - definitely a real fixer-upper. Now, I had to learn how to remodel a house.
WOW - I was all excited because - FINALLY - I was able to "pursue my dream of investing in Real Estate", B U T. . .
About me being pretty stubborn
The house that I bought was in such bad condition, that when my brother, Bjørn, saw it he told me to get rid of it, immediately. But, stubborn me, I was not about to listen to good advice.
After many months of hard work and with the help of some good and some horrible contractors and many

Part of my remodeled house.
I still was a busy beaver raising my children, helping with homework, taking John to Marshall Arts training and tournaments, Judy's singing lessons, opera, piano lessons, their sports events, going to church and traveling, and everything that we parents do.
We traveled to Norway and spent one year with my family. They went to a Norwegian school and learned to speak Norwegian. That is a gift that keeps on giving.
We had a wonderful life together. The children received their education and grew up to become responsible adults. Before I knew it, we had 2 weddings within 3 months.

My precisous kids and I
After the two weddings, I ended up with the "Empty Nest Syndrome". I found myself rushing home to an empty house, which was no fun at all.
I began wearing out the floor between the refrigerator and the television...Thank God, I didn't gain an ounce, but I am sure if I had kept it up - I would have gained a ton.
My cousin, Kari, that's Kari, the Pearl Lady, from Karipearls.com) must have figured out that I was "down in the tubes" not being used to not having my little family to care for - she must have known I was lonely and bored. So one day she came to visit me.
Kari jumped into her car and drove from Iowa here to Michigan to share with me about building a web site and to cheer me up.
She told me about the S.B.I. (Site Build It) opportunity. What a sweet cousin she is. :-) And...cheer me up she did.
Guess what, with Kari's great help and guidance, I had a web site up and running the day after she arrived. WOW!
Click on the S.B.I. link below where you will find all the information you need on how to build a web site.
You might think, too difficult.
Not difficult at all...S.B.I. provides us with plenty of tools and information. On their FORUM you will find plenty of "know-how" as well. I welcome you to browse around my site and perhaps you will get inspired and also find some interesting Facts" about Norway and a little about me.
We do know that anything worthwhile takes time. You have to possess the desire, take action, then you can achieve amazing things.
Hey, as you read about me and some of my wild adventures, you might even have yourself a good laugh.
Return to homepage after about me.
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