Nobel Prize
Nobel Peace Prize

Albert Bernard Nobel(above)
Source: Wikipedia
Nobel Prize and its originWhat is The Nobel Prize and who was the founder? How does it differ from the Nobel Peace Prize (Nobelprisen in Norwegian)? If you have questions, here we have a few answers.
The Nobel Price began with Albert Bernhard Nobel who was born 21st of October, 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden. He was the third son of Immanuel Nobel.
Learning at Home
When Albert was eight years old, the family moved to
St.Petersburg, Russia, where his father, set up a machine shop where they produced torpedoes. At an early age, Albert worked in his father's shop and gleaned from his father's knowledge.
Albert was eager to learn and apparently home-taught and self-taught and a constant student.
Early on, Albert Bernard Nobel showed great [interest in scientific languages (naturvitenskapelige språk, in Norwegian), and literature. It was easy for him to learn, but he never pursued degrees at any school or university.
Eventually, he became known as a chemist, engineer, inventor, and philanthropist. At the end of his life, he held 355 working patents for his inventions.
School of Hard-Knocks and Not-a-Few BangsIn 1863, he moved back to Sweden and began working as a chemist at his father's shop in Helenborg where he continued the development of the explosive Nitroglycerin and began to produce it for distribution.
The Beginning of Albert's Dynamite
In 1864, he obtained a patent for an explosive material he named, Dynamite, after developing it one year earlier. The discovery and development of Dynamite had a great impact and positive reaction in many countries. This would mean great possibilities for developing new land and creating new businesses around the world. This became the base for
Mr. Nobel's great wealth.
A Side Note
My own father used dynamite to develop new land on our farm in mountainous Norway, known for its enormous quantity of rocks, such as well-sought-after, granite, which is exported to many parts of the world, and other kinds of rock including what we in Norway call gråstein, which we have plenty of, I might add.
More History
This original formula for Dynamite was gradually replaced with Gelatine-dynamite, which was/is a much safer material to use. Mr. Nobel had an important part in that development as well.
Albert's Dream and Ambition
Mr. Nobel also had strong social interests and his desire was to further the good of mankind. His dream and ambition were to serve people everywhere. As a result, he set up a fund, which is called the Nobel Prize and he gave most of his fortune to this foundation.
Albert Nobel's Great Wealth and How is the Monetary Prize generated?
The Nobel Peace Prize monetary award is generated from the proceeds of the original investment donated by the founder of the Nobel Prize,
Albert Bernhard Nobel.
The proceeds from his investment fund were to be awarded to persons who had made outstanding contributions to mankind the previous year. This event, named was to take place on the anniversary of the founder's death.
The peace-loving, Albert Bernard Nobel passed away in San Remo, Italy, on December 10th, 1896, at the age of 63.
The Birth of the Nobel Prize (Fredsprisen)
Beginning in the year 1901, about 5 years after Mr. Nobel's death, and every year thereafter, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to qualified persons.
The Five Areas of Qualification Requirements
The Nobel Prize is awarded to persons who have shown work of superior excellence in these areas, namely in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, and Economic Sciences.
The Nobel Founder's Committee (Nobelstiftelsen) is in charge of awarding the winners of The Nobel Prize, in the fields mentioned above. This event takes place yearly in Mr. Nobel's home country, Sweden, in the capital city, Stockholm.
The Sixth Award
The most prestigious prize is the Nobel Peace Prize, which is given to a qualified person for the Work of the Advancement of Peace in the World.
The Winner's Qualifications of the Nobel Peace Prize
The winner must have made a great contribution in one of three areas: (1) Outstanding works in the advancement of Peace; (2) Reduction of Military Forces, and (3) The furthering of Brotherhood between Nations.
There seems to be some dispute about the correct interpretation of
Mr. Nobel's intention regarding the third stipulation.

Nobel Peace Prize Medal
Source: Wikipedia
The Nobel Peace Prize
This prestigious prize is the most important and famous award in the world and needless to say, it is much sought-after. It consists of a medal, a diploma, and a sizable sum of money, of over one million dollars. But the paramount honor of the award is more prestigious and revered than the monetary value of the award itself.
The annual Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony takes place in Oslo City Hall. Oslo is Norway's capital city. At the ceremony, the Laureate(s) delivers the Nobel Lecture and receives the Nobel Medal and Diploma as well as a document confirming the prize amount.
The Nobel Peace Prize Concert
In Norway, this concert is known as the Peace Concert (Fredskonserten). It is held in Oslo and is also part of this celebration, which many international dignitaries attend.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee/Den Norske Nobelkomite is in charge of handing out the Nobel Peace Prize Award and all the events, which have taken place in Norway's capital city, Oslo, since 1901.
Famous Quote
The famous quote by Albert Bernhard Nobel, the funder and founder of the Nobel Prize: "I am not aware that I have deserved any notoriety, and I have no taste for its buzz". © Copyright 2020
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