Contact me

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my Contact Page.
Want to let you know that "Hei" is a Norwegian greeting, which mean hi or hello. When you write a letter; call a friend or meet someone you know, you would say: "Hei Kari", or whatever his/her name is.
On my site, I will share stories, facts, and information about Norway, my homeland. Also, you will find pictures and recipes from various parts of the country. I will take you to places you wouldn't find unless you come along with me.
If you have family in Norway and have lost contact with them, maybe I can give you some pointers on how you can get in touch with them.
Let me know where you are from, it is so much fun having visitors from all over the world.

John, Judy and Ann
My children, John and Judith, are always encouraging me to keep adding material. I am definitely on their hit parade. They are now adults and have families of their own.
Often times we share stories about what they used to do and say.

Little Judy and Johnny
When my daughter was little, she asked me if I came over to the USA on the Mayflower. She laughs about it now, but she was serious at the time.
When they were little, we made delicious Norwegian Christmas cookies while playing their favorite music - "The Chipmunks".
The kitchen got very messy with flour and dough everywhere, and we had a ball. I rolled out the dough for them and they used the cookie cutters and carefully decorated the cookies. We had tons of fun making memories.

John(14) and Judith (12)
I keep on adding pages to my site, so I welcome you to visit my
norway-hei web site from time to time to learn about this country of the north; hear some of my wild stories from my childhood and find great Norwegian Recipes.
If you click HERE. You will find out about my "OPS" Flying Event, a cute story for children.
I will enjoy receiving mail from you. If you wish you can get in touch with me by filling the form below.
Thanks again for stopping by my contact page.
See you again! (På gjensyn!)
www.norway-hei.com © Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved
If you want to learn some Norwegian, check out the links below.
English to Norwegian Translations Greetings and Phrases
English Norwegian Translations Helpful Terms.
English Norwegian Translations Herbs and Spices.
English Norwegian Translations Cooking and Baking Terms
I will not share your email address with anyone.
Your information will be kept in strictest confidence.
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