Norsk Engelsk Ordbok
Norwegian English Translations
Norsk: En Norsk Engelsk Ordbok Familie heter denne side.
English: Norwegian English Dictionary Family is the name of this page.
After reading some of these new words, hopefully, you will find the information on this page helpful and interesting.
If you have some ideas for me to add words here, kindly let me know.

Familien vår fra Norge beøker Washington DC.
Our relatives from Norway visiting Washington DC.
We love having our family visiting us from Norway and we have a super time showing them around our country. Sightseeing in and around Washington DC was awesome.
Guess what? The Norwegians enjoy our shopping malls here in the states. Wonder why? Probably for the same reason I love shopping when I am in Norway.
Familie besøker Niagara Falls
Family visiting Niagara Falls
We all had a good time visiting Niagara Falls and the shops and restaurants there.
Norsk Engelsk Oversettelser
Norsk Norwegian |
Engelsk English
familie |
family |
slektninger |
relatives |
mor |
mother |
mamma |
mom/mommy |
far |
father |
pappa |
dad/daddy |
datter |
daughter |
sønn |
son |
svigerdatter |
daughter-in-law |
svigersønn |
son-in-law |
svigersøster |
sister-in-law |
svigerbror |
brother-in-law |
et barn/mitt barn/vårt barn |
a child/my child/our child |
mange barn |
many children |
stebarn/stebarn |
step child/step children |
søster |
sister |
stesøster |
step sister |
bror |
brother |
stebror |
step brother |
bestemor |
"beste" |
mormor/bestemor) |
grandmother (mother of mother) |
morfar/bestemor) |
grandmother (mother of father) |
bestefar |
"besten" |
farfar/bestefar) |
grandfather (father of father)
farmor/bestefar) |
grandfather (father of mother)
great grandmother
oldefar |
great grandfather
tippoldemor |
great great grandmother
tippoldefar |
great great grandfather
et barnebarn/mange barnebarn |
a grandchild/many grandchildren
mitt barnebarn/mine barnebarn |
my grandchild/my grandchildren
barnebarnet mitt/barnebarna mine |
my grandchild/my grandchildren/grandchildren of mine
datterdatter |
dattersønn |
grandson |
sønnedatter |
sønnesønn |
aunt |
tante |
sister to mother |
moster |
sister to father |
faster |
onkel |
brother to mother (uncle) |
morbror (onkel) |
brother to father (uncle) |
farbror (onkel) |
søskenbarn (begge kjønn)
cousin (either gender)
kusine (female) |
cousin |
fetter (male) |
cousin |
nephew |
niese |
tremenning |
second cousin |
Håper at du liker denne lille utgaven av Norsk Engelsk Ordbok Familie.
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