English Norwegian Translations
Helpful Terms
Hi there, I hope you will enjoy these English Norwegian Translations Helpful Terms I picked out for you to peruse and learn. I have discovered that it is easier for me to learn and memorize a language and build my vocabulary when I read everything out loud and write the words down. Of course, we need to keep repeating what we want to memorize.

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Below are some English Norwegian Translations Helpful Terms that you can study on the plane on your next trip to Norway.
Sure, it would be very nice to know the Norwegian language. However, most people will not take the time to learn a new language. The next best thing is to know some important words and phrases in Norwegian.

Norsk Kvadagsbunad – Norwegian every-day bunad. Want to impress the Norwegian Vikings that you will run into on your trip? OK, then tuck the translations below into your vocabulary toolbox. But wait, first, I will show you my method on how to Pronounce the Norwegian Alphabet.
By the way, you will be pleased when you discover that most Norwegians speak English and that they are most eager to practice their language skills. To top it off, many of these folks speak German and French as well. It's kind of fun to know French, especially when you go to a French restaurant and try to impress everybody by pronouncing all delicacies on the menu. OH well, back to English Norwegian translations helpful terms...
English Norwegian Translations Helpful Terms.
English Engelsk |
Norwegian Norsk
mother |
mor |
father |
far |
mom |
mamma |
parents |
foreldre |
daughter |
datter |
son |
sønn |
daughter-in-law |
svigerdatter |
son-in-law |
svigersønn |
a child |
et barn |
many children |
mange barn |
sibling |
søsken |
sister |
søster |
brother |
bror |
grandmother |
grandmother |
mormor/mother of mother (also called bestemor)
grandmother |
morfar/mother of father (also called bestemor)
grandfather |
grandfather |
farfar/father of father (also called bestefar)
grandfather |
farmor/father of mother (also called bestefar)
grandma |
grandpa |
great grandmother |
great grandfather |
great great grandmother |
great great grandfather |
tippoldefar |
grandchild |
my grandchildren |
mine barnebarn/barnebarna mine
grand daughter |
datterdatter (daughter of daughter)
sønnedatter (daughter of the son)
grandson |
sønnesønn (son of the son)
datterson (son of the daughter)
brother-in-law |
svoger/svigerbror |
sister-in-law |
aunt |
tante |
onkel |
cousin |
nephew |
niece |
second cousin |
tremenning |
a friend |
en venn(male)
en venninne (female
a girlfriend
en venninne
my friend |
min venn (male or female)
(min venninne (female)
my girlfriend |
min kjæreste
Do you have a girlfriend? |
Har du en kjæreste (male or female)?
my boyfriend |
min kjæreste |
Do you have a boyfriend? |
Har du en kjæreste? (male or female)
my wife |
min kone/
min hustru
my husband |
min mann/min ektemann |
are you married? |
er du gift?
I am married. |
Jeg er gift.
Are you engaged to be married? |
Er du forlovet?
I am engaged to be married. |
Jeg er forlovet.
my fiancé |
min forlovede.
Are you going to get married? |
Skal dere gifte dere? (plural)
Are you going to get married? |
Skal du gifte deg? (singular)
Here are even more English Norwegian translations helpful terms |
Her er enda flere engelsk norsk oversettelser nyttige utrykk.
family |
Do you have family in Norway? |
Har du familie i norge?
Do you have relatives in Norway? |
Har du slektninger i norge?
I have relatives in Norway. |
Jeg har slektninger i norge.
I would like to have contact with my relatives in Norway. |
Jeg vil gjerne ha kontakt med slektningene mine i norge.
Do you have a picture of your family? |
Har du et bilde av familien din?
See you again. |
På gjensyn.
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