Build your Web Site

Create your Web Site instead of paying someone to do it for you and have fun building it. You have what it takes.
If you have someone else build it for you, you will depend on them for everything. You'll be on the telephone constantly discussing ideas, problems and telling them what you don't like. And then, yes...you'll receive their bill.
They will have to make every change and add new information. You will not be able to place any pictures yourself.
And...guess who has to pay for it all? AHA - YOU!
Yes, having others build it for you can be troublesome and time-consuming - not to mention the great EXPENSE!
Why not get in the driver's seat and DO IT YOURSELF?
HOW? Read on...
I will let you in on an awesome S E C R E T that makes it possible for YOU to build own and build your won web site.
This is no gimmick This little lady that lives here in Michigan and both of my children are married and reside a good distance from me. I am doing this on my own without help from my kids.
My cousin, Kari, recommended SBI, (Sitebuildit). I signed up with them and was up and running in no time. Obviously, I trust my cousin, she would not recommend SBI unless they were trustworthy with an excellent reputation.
One of the first things I did was to purchase a good digital camera and of course, I use my cell phone, as well. Pictures are important when creating a website.

My Amaryllis plant.
on the railing on my back deck.
Whether you have a home-based business or a store location, one way to increase your earnings is to get your business online.
So WHY NOT GET GOING? - Take the Plunge. I was a computer newbie and didn't know much about the internet, but that has definitely changed.
Can't believe how much fun I am having writing about Norway, where I am born and raised. It is certainly a country that I know and love. If you have a special hobby or an area you specialize in, then you have a great topic for your site.
Blue Iris How fabulous it is to make money with a home based business. It sure beats the 9:00 to 5:00 routine and spending lots of money on gasoline and being stuck in traffic for hours.
It is said that hard work pays off, well, creating www.norway-hei has not been hard work - it has been lots of fun, and to top it off - it has paid off.
It is a good idea to start a web business about what you already know and enjoy. You could begin building your website today.
I have fun making money with my hobby - many people work hard, in order to have a hobby.
While I am sipping on my morning coffee, I check to see how much money I made. JOY!!!
Delicious cup of coffee
When I am done having fun writing and working with my internet hobby I still have plenty of time for my lovely family, my friends, and gardening, my other delightful Hobby.
Even when I visit my mom in Norway, I have fun playing with my web site. Below is a picture of mom's geranium that she had on her porch.
Mom's Geranium placed in a hand-made
birch bowl made by my cousin Sigmund
Beautiful Lake View Don't wait, click on the Solo Build Itlink at the bottom of the page and find out how you can build your own website...
Tell them that Ann from norway-hei.com sent you. See you on the web!
Why not hop over to my contact page and let me know if you like anything about my site. I would love to hear from you - even if it is negative.
www.norway-hei.com © Copyright 2020
All Rights Reserved
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