Birthday Cake Recipe
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Norwegian Blotkake - Marzipan Cake
This Blotkake Birthday Cake Recipe is easy to make so if you would like to serve a beautiful and delicious dessert for your next party give this Norwegian bløtkake recipe a try.
In Norway, we call it bløtkake or gebursdagskake - WOW, that's a mouthful.
In the USA, Germany, and Italy it is called a torte or whipped cream cake because of the layers filled with whipped cream, buttercreams, mousses, jams, or berries topped with loads of whipped cream, buttercream, marzipan, or other delicious toppings, OH, and of course, don't forget the important sides of the cake.
Most of the time, Norway's birthday cake is decorated with whipped cream, but sometimes it is decorated with buttercream, or a marzipan cover (marsipanlokk see above picture).
Read on to learn more about our Norwegian blotkake birthday cake recipe.
No matter how you decorate this cake it's a delicious dessert for any occasion.
Below is a picture of a little get together with some of my family where we enjoyed Norwegian blotkake and krumkaker.

Norwegian Blotkake is served
Yummy Norwegian Krumkaker (left above)
I am that "gorgeous redhead" he-he, behind mom on the right.
Norwegian Strawberry Blotkake
Aunt Hjalma's Blotkake Birthday Cake Recipe.
Place the cake in a cold oven. DO NOT preheat.
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
3/4 cup flour
1 heaping tablespoon potato flour or cornstarch
1-1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons cold water
1/2 teaspoon flavoring of choice. Vanilla or lemon flavoring works well. It should be a flavor that will compliment the filling that you choose for the cake.
Whip eggs and sugar until thick and pale yellow.
Stir in cold water - mix well.
Place dry ingredients in a separate bowl, and add gradually while stirring slowly.
Pour the batter into a springform, which is greased and floured on the bottom only, not on the sides - shake off excess flour.
Place in a cold oven. Bake at 350°F. (180°C.) 30-35 minutes or until the cake is done. I usually use a long wooden skewer to test the doneness of the cake instead of a short toothpick so I don't burn my fingers.
Let the cake cool and rest upside-down on a cooling rack for 15-20 minutes - cut around edges - take the cake out of the springform and place it back on the cooling rack right side up.
The birthday cake must be completely cold before applying whipped cream filling and topping.
You can have some fun using this blotkake birthday cake recipe, but the best part is serving this awesome whipping cream cake to your family and friends.
Blotkake with Strawberries and Whipped Cream
Filling for the Blotkake Birthday cake Recipe:
1-quart heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar, you can also use honey or
confectioners sugar to sweeten the cream
Strawberry or raspberry preserves.
Whip cream and sugar until peaks form. If you whip cream too much you will end up with butter.
Reserve cream for decorating the top and the side of the cake. Place the cake in the fridge while preparing the cake filling.
Reserve whipped cream to fill pastry-decorating bag to make pretty designs on the cake.
Fold preserves and whipped cream together to place between the layers of the cake.
A few decorating ideas for the Blotkake Birthday Cake Recipe
Decorating the Cake
Cut 4 pieces of wax paper about 5" each and cover the edges on top of a glass cake serving plate. Place the unfilled cake on the plate and paper. Remove the wax paper when the cake is fully decorated. The edges of the plate will stay clean and it will look more appetizing when you serve the bløtkake.
Slice the birthday cake into 3 layers. Transfer 1st layer onto "the papered"plate and spread whipped cream and strawberry filling on top using a cake-decorating knife. The applicating knife should be used is wide and has a round tip instead of a point and is great for decorating, I also use it for turning pancakes and crepes.
Place the 2nd layer on top. Continue the same process until you have all three layers done. Do not spread a red berry filling on the top layer unless you want a pink cake.
Cover each layer with berries to make an extra fresh berry flavor. Also, be very generous with the creamy filling between the bløtkake layers.
Here are a couple of tricks to make your cake extra moist.
#1. Pour 7-UP or any citrus soda in a spray bottle. Spritz a little soda on each layer before spreading the filling.
#2. Apply jam directly on each layer before spreading whipped cream and berry filling.

Norwegian blotkake with blackberries, strawberries
and mint leaves.Do you notice the hole in the whipped cream in the center of the cake? - OH NO! Must be a missing strawberry. I bet my son helped himself to that strawberry. Oh well, I guess it is OK since it was his birthday cake.
Here comes the fun part. Apply the top and the sides
of the bløtkake birthday cake with whipped cream with a wide knife.
Fill a pastry decorating bag with whipped cream to make a pretty design on the cake.
This bløtkake birthday cake recipe may seem complicated, but it is easy as pie. After you make it a couple of times, you will not even need to look at the recipe.
Read on to discover various ways to decorate our family's Blotkake Birthday Cake Recipe...
Not much time for a time-consuming design? Use a fork to make curlicues in the whipped cream; toss cake sprinkles on top and serve your creation.
Bløtkake with Sprinkles (left)
Strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries work well for this blotkake birthday cake recipe.
Make a 4th of July flag Cake, or a 17th of May, Norway's Constitution Day cake. You can use tasty blueberries and raspberries to create the flags.
How about decorating the cake with flags of your country?
If you have green in your flag, use kiwi fruit - delicious and green.
Small pieces of mandarin oranges will give you a gold color; blackberries for black color, and so on. Be creative and have fun - Be Creative!!!
You can write Happy Birthday; make any design or a "platform", with the decorating bag, on which to place each candle or berry.
Let me know how you like this Blotkake Birthday Cake Recipe, maybe you could send a picture?
When the bløtkake is decorated - refrigerate.
This Norwegian blotkake birthday cake will taste better and be moister if you place the filling between the layers one day in advance. Make sure to cover it with plastic wrap..
You will definitely be the hostess with the "most-ess" using this blotkake birthday cake recipe. © Copyright 2020
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