Hoffmeister Sauce

In Norway, Hoffmeister Sauce (Center above) is the classic mustard sauce served with Marinated Salmon or as we call it it Norway, Gravlaks, which is made from salmon fillets.
Hoffmeister sauce, (pronounced Hoffmaister sauce) is a fresh dill-infused mustard sauce that is not only the classic accompaniment to gravlax but can be enjoyed as an accent for all kinds of fish and other seafood. This delicious Mustard Sauce comes together in a jiffy.
Have you ever enjoyed Honey Mustard Sauce as an accompaniment for your Grilled Chicken or Roasted Lamb? You might want to give the classic Hoffmeister Sauce a try for a pleasant change and a delicious surprise.
You can surely make a larger batch of yummy Hoffmeister Sauce and store it in the fridge for a quick go-to sauce for the next time you toss a batch of chicken on your grill.
Why not make an extra-large batch of this classic mustard sauce - fill some into a nice jar, and place a Norwegian Hoffmeister Sauce label on it (your creation, of course) and gift it to friends and family.
Will this sauce will be a great tasty alternative to a very sweet barbeque sauce? For some of us - less sugar is better, but if the sauce is delicious who cares if it has less sugar?
Here I will share with you a recipe for Hoffmeister Sauce that my family has been enjoying for years.
Hoffmeister Sauce
Double the recipe as needed
5 tablespoons fresh cut dill
2 tablespoons coarse robust mustard or
Dijon Mustard
1 tablespoon sugar (or to taste)
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
ground sea salt to taste
Freshly ground pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients, except oil,
Drizzle oil gradually while stirring.
Place it in a serving bowl and enjoy.
The traditional dill-infused mustard sauce called Hoffmeister Sauce will bring out the magnificent flavors of Gravlaks and other seafood.
Remember Home-made is Best.
Making our food from scratch is fabulous because you can easily adjust the recipe to satisfy your taste buds, as well as enjoying the satisfaction of having made it yourself and knowing exactly what the ingredients are.
Hope you will enjoy the authentic recipe for Hoffmeister Sauce!
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