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The cookies are fun to make and even "funner" to eat. In Norway, baking "snipper" cookies for the Christmas Holidays is a must. Oh, by the way, these cookies are delicious. And if you say the word, sirupssnipper in Norway - everybody knows exactly what you are talking about. Ingredients
1 tablespoon brandy or water 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg white for brushing cookies Preparation Combine flour and the remainder of dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the dry ingredients to the cooled batter. Place dough into the refrigerator overnight. Form dough into balls and roll out thin on pastry board. Cut the cookies into diamond shapes with a special cookie cutter, which is a roller with ridges on the sides called trinsle, or use a knife to cut out the desired cookie shape. In Norway, you can buy a roller/trinsle that will cut out a row of these cookies. Then you carefully pick them up and place them on a baking sheet. After you pick up the cookies there will be dough left that you roll into a ball and use the rolling pin to make a sheet of dough again and use the trinsle to make more cookies. ![]() Norwegian Trinsle for sirupssnipper Cookie Cutter/Roller You can also use a ruler and a knife to cut out 2"x 2-1/2" size diamond shapes or use cookie cutters that you already have in your cabinet to make favorite shapes that can be decorated. We are resourceful and surly not helpless. With a pastry brush, "paint" each cookie with whipped egg white. Place a blanched almond on each cookie. The egg white is the "glue" to fasten the almond to cookie. Bake on ungreased baking sheets in a preheated oven at 350°F. (180°C.) about 10 minutes or until they are light golden brown. Place cookies on cooling on rack and store in an airtight container.
Hope you will enjoy this recipe for sirupssnipper, which is all the way from Norway. All Rights Reserved